
Hagar in My Heart

Since I didn’t really know how the two were different I couldn’t decide which I was feeling more like – a gypsy or a nomad – so I decided to look up the two words so I could make an informed decision.

A gypsy is a member of a tribe of people found throughout the world who has no permanent home and has a wandering lifestyle.

A nomad is a member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land.

Well that settles it.  I am not a gypsy because I am not a member of a tribe.  I may be able to skate by on the nomad title but only if I count E.v.e. and I as a “group” and my current residence as “grazing land”.  Sigh, I am officially a nomad, aimlessly wandering through the wilderness in search of food, water and shelter.

Lately I have spent some time thinking about another nomad named Hagar and what her life must have been like.  She and I have a very similar story and I keep finding little bits of her tucked away in my heart and I am not sure I like it.  

The Bible tells part of her story like this: 

Abraham exiles Hagar.

Hagar and Ishmael (E.v.e. and I) being sent out to wander in the wilderness

“So Abraham got up early the next morning, prepared food and a container of water, and strapped them on Hagar’s shoulders. Then he sent her away with their son, and she wandered aimlessly in the wilderness of Beersheba. When the water was gone, she put the boy in the shade of a bush.  Then she went and sat down by herself about a hundred yards away. ‘I don’t want to watch the boy die,’ she said, as she burst into tears.”

I can’t imagine leaving my child under a bush and walking away so I wouldn’t have to listen to her die.  The pain and the anger she must have felt.  The hopelessness. She didn’t choose this life.  She didn’t plan on being thrown out into the desert to fend for herself and her young son.  The hatred she must have felt.  Being a slave, she had only done what was asked of her and now that Abraham had a new son with his wife she was no longer wanted or needed. 

I have never had to deal with the anguish of knowing my child was about to die from thirst or starvation but I can relate to her in some of the other areas of her life.  I know what it is like to have the father of my child not love me and send me away for another woman he apparently did love.  I know how it feels to have another child prefered over my own despite the fact they share the same father.  And I know what it feels like to wander aimlessly in the wilderness not knowing where to go or where provision will come from next. 

Some days, like today I guess, I feel like my water skin is almost out.  I feel like if God doesn’t come through really soon I might get an even more personal understanding of how Hagar must have felt that day. 

Despite the similarities between Hagars and my own story there are some very important differences though that I need to remind myself of.   For example, I know that I am no longer a slave.  I know that I am the Daughter of a King.  And I knew when I was first sent out into the wilderness that is currently my life that the King had a plan and a purpose for my and my daughter’s life, even if my ex husband did not. 

Some days it is very hard to remember these simple truths but I have to hold tight to them because they are what gives me hope that my story isn’t the same has Hagars.  My story doesn’t have to contain as much pain.  I don’t have to let myself become bitter.  I don’t have to allow hate to well up inside me.  I don’t have to feel hopeless and full of despair because I can see a truth that Hagar could not.  I can’t let myself forget that truth or I will be no better off than Hagar and my E.v.e. will be no better off than Ishmael. 

When Hagar was sent away she didn’t know that the Lord had just had a conversation with Abraham where He told him, “Do not be upset over the boy and your servant(Hagar). Do whatever Sarah tells you, for Isaac is the son through whom your descendants will be counted.  But I will also make a nation of the descendants of Hagar’s son because he is your son, too.” – italics and bold added by me.

Abraham sent her way trusting the Lord to keep His word but she thought she was sent into the desert with no hope, no promise and no assurance of any kind.  She and her child was rejected and in her mind sent away to die a painful death in the desert.  Sometimes I catch myself feeling like Hagar rather than remembering that I was sent out into the desert full of hope, believing in a great promise and with all assurance that my Lord would provide a way for my little family. 

I know that my ex didn’t have a talk with God before sending me and my tiny baby off into the great unknown to fend for ourselves but I also know that God knew ahead of time the trials I would be facing.  He, as my Daddy, knew what I could handle and how he could use my current circumstances to mold me into the woman He needs me to be and the ways that He would provide for us.  I know that God has a great plan for my daughter and I and that we are, every day, moving one step closer to that promised land. 

I have to learn to keep my heart in check and not allow the bitterness of Hagar to steal away my hope and assurance of a promise made by my King.  Hagar did eventually learn of the Lords provision for her and her son and they went on to prosper and create a whole race of people still around today.  However, her bitterness stayed with them and to this day the two families stemming from the same father still hate each other.  That is not the path I choose.  That is not the story I want to live. 

I choose peace.  I choose hope.   I chose to belive that I am not rejected.  I am not unloved.  I am not second-rate.  I am not a slave. I do not have to fend for myself.  I choose to continue to trust in the Lord that all of this wandering, all this aimless, dreadful wandering, is for a purpose and is for my and my daughters betterment and that one day it will come to an end and I will finally see my promises fulfilled. 

I “1 Corinthians 13: 4-7” you!

I love this passage in scripture.  It really is one of my favorites.  I have put a great deal of thought and time meditating on it.  When you just glance over it quickly on your way to day 365 of your bible reading guide it is very easy to miss the depth and importance of this text. 

In Luke 10:27, when asked what the greatest command of all was, Jesus said, “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.”  For a long time I wondered what that was supposed to look like.  I am still not entirely sure what it means to love God with all my heart, soul, strength and mind – but I think I am getting closer to understanding what it means to love my neighbor.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 we are given a very clear, uncomplicated description of what love is –

   Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”

When I look at that list I see a mirror held up to my face.  I am not saying that I see all those things in me – quite the opposite – I mean when I read those verses I see clearly into my heart and all the areas I fall short on love.  I am not even fully able to love myself!! I am rude to myself, I irritate myself, I keep record of every wrong I do, I give up on myself, I lose faith in myself, I doubt myself and sometimes the only reason I endure myself is simply because I can’t seem to get away from myself!! 😉

This is supposed to be the greatest command of the Lord and I haven’t done a very good job of keeping it even just with myself. >.< I can’t be too hard on myself though.  I really have made an effort as of late to hold this standard of love up against my friendships and family relationships and tried to make them match.  I can honestly say I “1 Corinthians 13:4-7” about 4 of my non-relative friends nearly 100% and a good majority of the rest in the 75-90% range.  (If you are reading this then you are at least in the 90% range I am sure~ 😉 )There are a few that rank a little lower but I am starting to see now that the problem isn’t with them needing to change – the problem is me not holding up my end of the deal.  It is my job to “1 Corinthians 13:4-7” all of my family, friends, neighbors and *gulp* even my ex-husband and that chick from 3 grade who called me fat and poor -.- sigh. Because the truth is that even if someone (even someone you thought loved you) is treating you in a way contrary to that kind of love – it is still commanded of us that we love them the right way in return. 

The beauty of it is that if we love them the way we are supposed to and they are the right type of friend – the kind that really does want to change or really does want to be a part of our lives – they will start to reflect that love back to us and the friendship will be healed.  It might take time but it will happen!

 On the other hand it works out just as wonderfully if they really are an awful person because if we love them the right way and they are not the right type of friend – they are bitter and hateful and have no desire to change – they will see the love you are showing them as a contrast to themselves and it will be like a mirror showing them the ugliness they hold inside and it will cause them to flee from  you – which in that case is exactly what you want anyway! 😉

This love business is tough! There are days when I don’t meet all the qualifications of love with my own daughter!! Now I know that I haven’t actually stopped loving her – I just don’t always do a very good job of it. 

There are some days where I have lost my patience with Lambchop (one of my dearest friends who happens to be one of the 4 people I find it easiest to love) and days where I have been jealous of her and days where she has hurt me and it took me a few hours to forgive and let go…but despite all that I  am always able to bounce back to that place of love.

I think that is what true friendship is.  When two or more people are able to give and receive grace when they screw it up but are constantly working towards being able to say “We ‘1 Cor 13:4-7’ each other 100%.” 🙂:)

So, I send out a couple of questions today for anyone who reads this post to ponder –

How many people do you 1 Corinthians 13:4-7?

How many people do you think 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 you?

After spending time soaking in this passage I have come to appreciate the heaviness of the word “love”.  It used to be so trivial and I could toss it around everywhere just like I saw everyone else doing.  Now though I choose carefully who I declare my love for.   I don’t tell ANYONE I love them unless I can look at that list and honestly say that I meet at least the majority of those requirements and then I try to work on that ones I don’t.

I challenge you to start doing the same.  Don’t run around telling all your friends and family you don’t actually love them! But do start making changes in your own heart so that you really do. ❤

Martha Vs. Mary

Oooookaaaay! *deep breath* Some how I managed to fail my own 10 day challenge!! =P At first I felt pretty upset with myself – I went through a couple of days of feeling defeated and guilty.  I didn’t even want to finish the study because I was so frustrated with myself! How silly is that?!  Well, even though it isn’t on my original timeline I am committed to finishing what I had started.  Not sure if I will get to it tonight but I sure am going to try to finish it soon.

I have had a very busy couple of weeks.  So busy in fact that last night was the first night I was able to get to bed before 2am in a while and the only reason was because I said “NO!” to myself.  “No! I am not going to scrub the bathtub tonight. No! I am not going to work on my christmas quilt tonight! No! I am not going to work on the commissioned painting that is due to be finished in less than a week.  No to all the million other projects, “obligations”, chores and commitments that are running through my mind!!”    I took a deep breath and forced myself to shower and go to bed.  Laying there trying to fall asleep I had to fight to not feel guilty.  >.< Sometimes I wonder why we as women feel we have to carry the whole world on our shoulders allllll the time!

I spend A LOT of time at work and usually only have about 4 hours a day that I can accomplish anything if I allow myself 8 hours of sleep.  That is 4 hours to have a Bible study, cook dinner, clean, give my kiddo a bath, take a shower, do laundry, visit friends, go to the store, work on E.v.e.’s quilt (hopefully a Christmas present), work on my paintings, work on my various other sewing projects (also hopefully done in time for Christmas), write on my blog, play with my kiddo or anything else that may need to get done.  I don’t have to do all that everyday but it sure feels like it!! It feels like if I just close my eyes for a 5 minute break I open them to discover a whole week has slipped by and nothing got done.  >.

All of that just to make myself feel a little better about not having completed my 10 day challenge on time 😉 Sometimes we as moms and women need to take a step back and realize just how much we actually get done in a day and how amazing we are for being able to juggle everything we have going on in not only our lives but those of our children and (if your blessed with one) our husbands.

I am learning to rejoice in my triumphs no matter how small and let myself slide when I am not able to do it all.  There comes a point where you just have to let some things go undone in order to work in the more important activities like Bible study, prayer, worship and resting!!  Yes, resting is very important – not a sin or sign of laziness!  In fact it is such an important thing that there is a whole commandment dedicated to telling us to rest!!  That is why God gave us the Sabbath – so that we could rest just like He did.  If the God of the universe is allowed to stop for a breather then so are we.

I am reminded of the story of Martha and Mary found in John Chapter 11.  Martha sounds like a wonderful lady.  She was very dedicated to her job as a woman/wife/hostess but from what we know of her she had a knack for carrying more on her shoulders than she could carry on her own.  I can see her scurrying around the house cleaning this, scrubbing that, cooking dinner, chasing the kids out of the pantry, glaring at the ever-growing pile of laundry and all the while being frustrated that she doesn’t have time to spend with the Lord and angry she doesn’t have any help.  This pretty much describes me to a T!  I am not perfect at everything I work on but I sure do try to work on a lot and find myself spending less and less time with the Lord as I try to accomplish more and more tasks in my limited amount of free time.  Then when I am nearly over come with exhaustion and frustration I cry out to God, blaming Him for my inability to get everything done! “God why can’t I have a husband?! If I just had a husband I wouldn’t have to do all this on my own.  If I had a husband or a super cool roommate that was fine with doing half the chores I could spend more time with you, with my daughter, in ministry and everything else! Why can’t you send me some help?!” Sigh.  In reality I know that having a husband would equal a LOT more work in a lot of areas.  Sure I might get him to take out the trash from time to time but laundry would double, cooking would double, amount of time I need to devote to spending with my family would double.  Husbands are great but that is NOT the solution to this particular issue.

Mary had the right idea!  She said – forget these chores I am sitting right here with Jesus for as long as He is staying at our house!  She understood something very important – the giant pile of laundry will always be there no matter how much time she put into washing it but Jesus was only with them for a limited amount of time.   I think the reason it is so hard for me and other ladies like me to grasp this is because we always have access to Jesus.  We think to ourselves – well I will just get this and that done and can’t forget to do that!  I can pray tonight before bed…..Yeah Right!  You and I both know that the moment our head hits that pillow one of two things happens: 1) We blink and it is suddenly morning and there is the distant sound of fighting children and a whole new days worth of things to accomplish or 2) We start going through the list of alllllll the things we didn’t finish today and what we have to get done tomorrow and situations we wished we had handled differently and the list goes on and on until finally sometime between 1 and 3am we realize we are no longer thinking about doing these thing we are dreaming that we already are!

If these two precious ladies are the extremes, where do I fall? Where do you fall? Honestly though, I don’t think Mary was at an extreme.  I think Mary was given a precious gift.  She got to set aside her worries for a day and soak in the Lords presence.  He wasn’t with her for very long so it isn’t like Mary just gave up on ever doing anything again – she just devoted the time she could to Him.  I think this is where I need to be.  Just because I have access to Jesus all the time doesn’t mean I have to drop everything forever and never do anything but sit at Gods feet. (Most days that sounds like a really awesome idea though;))

 Jesus knew that once He left her home Mary would go back to her usual chores and occasionally go and search Him out to spend more time with Him.  There are several places in the Gospels that mentions Mary was with Him.  I want to model my life after that.  I want to find a balance where if the opportunity arises for me to set aside all my cares for a day and just soak in the Lords presence I will take it and not feel an ounce of guilt and then once that time passes be able to resume my duties making sure to set aside as much spare time as I can to go seek out the Lord and listen to His voice.

So this is me telling myself to cut me some slack, go spend some time kickin’ it with Jesus and worry about the dishes later.  If I keep going at my current pace I am going to burn out quick.  It is time for some of that precious one on one Jesus time – no guilt allowed!!


Join Me on My Ten Day Challenge!

I believe very strongly that being a good parent to E.v.e. (and any future children) is my first and possibly most important mission that I will ever have from the Lord.  It is an amazing responsibility to raise up our children in the way they should go and instill in their little hearts and minds the important truths, skills and lessons that will shape them into the Godly men and women the Lord has called them to be.

I challenge all of my friends and family – whether you have children now or plan to have them in the future – to join me over the next ten days as I walk through a study on what it means to consider Parenting a Ministry.   You can either download the FREE work book here: or just follow along as I post my notes each day.  I think you would get the most out of it if you did the work yourself however. 😉  Each day consists of about a 30 minute video also found at the link above as well as some scripture reading, questions and note taking.

I am excited to start my journey towards being a better minister to my child and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the study as well!! It would make my day to know who all was joining in this challenge.  Please leave a comment either here or on facebook letting me know you are with me on this 10 day journey!  Also, please feel free to post comments under my following posts on the subject telling me things that you agree/disagree with or things that you found particularly helpful! 🙂
